Protect Your Septic With Routine Maintenance
- Catch basin cleaning
- Grease trap cleaning
- Main line cleaning
- Septic tank cleaning / pumping
- Septic line cleaning
Protect Your Septic With Routine Maintenance
- Catch basin cleaning
- Grease trap cleaning
- Main line cleaning
- Septic tank cleaning / pumping
- Septic line cleaning

Septic Maintenance Contracts
The state of Texas requires all aerobic waste treatment systems to be inspected by a qualified service provider once every four months. A 2-year maintenance contract comes with your aerobic system installation.
Regularly scheduled maintenance helps in preventing serious septic issues from occurring. It’s important to take care of your septic tank. At Total Septic, our septic maintenance contracts ensure that your tank will run efficiently for many years.
If you are interested in learning more about our Maintenance Contracts, contact us.

What’s Not Covered
The cost of any parts that may be required are not included in this agreement; however, they may be covered by the manufacturer if needed within the first two years of installation. Otherwise we will provide you with a parts cost quote before proceeding with necessary repairs.
Our agreement does not cover the homeowner’s failure to provide constant electric current to the system, disconnecting the alarms, restricting ventilation of the aerator, overloading the system above its rated capacity, using excessive amounts of harmful matter, flooding by internal means, and destruction or damage to mechanical components by ants, water, digging, trenching, pouring concrete or driving over tanks and system components.
What’s Not Covered
The cost of any parts that may be required are not included in this agreement; however, they may be covered by the manufacturer if needed within the first two years of installation. Otherwise we will provide you with a parts cost quote before proceeding with necessary repairs.
Our agreement does not cover the homeowner’s failure to provide constant electric current to the system, disconnecting the alarms, restricting ventilation of the aerator, overloading the system above its rated capacity, using excessive amounts of harmful matter, flooding by internal means, and destruction or damage to mechanical components by ants, water, digging, trenching, pouring concrete or driving over tanks and system components.